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Exploring the World of Mobility Data Spaces (MDS): Present and Future Business Cases. Main Sources of information.

Lluis Sanvicens • 20 June 2023

Exploring the World of Mobility Data Spaces (MDS): Present and Future Business Cases. Main Sources of information.

Mobility Data Spaces (MDS) are a relatively new concept in the field of mobility and data management. They refer to a platform that enables the sharing and exchange of data related to mobility among various stakeholders in a secure and controlled way. MDS can be seen as a data ecosystem that brings together data producers and data consumers, enabling them to create value from data and generate new business opportunities.

State of the art

Overall, the state of the art in Mobility Data Spaces continues to evolve rapidly, with new initiatives and projects emerging regularly. As the demand for mobility data grows, it is likely that we will see even more innovation in this area in the coming years. At the end of the article is a fairly complete list of sources of information of MDS in Europe to broaden the knowledge on this subject.

Present about MDS, Examples, Business cases

MDS can enable a wide range of use cases, from improving urban mobility to reducing traffic congestion and improving road safety. Some of the examples of MDS-based applications include:

  • Mobility as a service (MaaS) platforms that allow users to access multiple modes of transportation through a single app, such as car-sharing, bike-sharing, and public transit.
  • Real-time traffic management systems that use data from various sources, such as connected vehicles and sensors, to optimize traffic flow and reduce congestion.
  • Predictive maintenance systems that use data from connected vehicles to identify potential issues before they become major problems, reducing downtime and maintenance costs.
  • Fleet management systems that enable businesses to optimize their logistics and delivery operations by tracking their vehicles in real-time and making data-driven decisions.

There are several business cases for MDS. For example, MDS can enable new revenue streams for cities by providing access to data that can be used for advertising, city planning, and other purposes. MDS can also enable private companies to develop new services and applications based on mobility data, such as personalized travel planning or location-based services.

Future about MDS, Business cases

The future of MDS is promising, as more and more organizations recognize the value of mobility data and the need for a standardized platform to share it. In the coming years, we can expect to see more initiatives and projects focused on developing MDS platforms and applications.

Some of the potential business cases for MDS in the future include:

  • Autonomous vehicle management systems that use MDS data to optimize routes, reduce congestion, and improve safety.
  • Smart city platforms that use MDS data to manage urban infrastructure, such as streetlights, parking meters, and waste management systems.
  • Energy management systems that use MDS data to optimize energy consumption and reduce carbon emissions.
  • Insurance and risk management systems that use MDS data to develop more accurate and personalized insurance policies.


In conclusion, Mobility Data Spaces (MDS) are a promising concept that has the potential to revolutionize the way we manage and use mobility data. MDS can enable a wide range of applications and business cases, from improving urban mobility to reducing traffic congestion and improving road safety. As more and more organizations recognize the value of mobility data, we can expect to see more initiatives and projects focused on developing MDS platforms and applications in the coming years.


Main Sources of information:

Below you will find the main sources for further information:



 Big Data Value Association (BDVA) With more than 230 members all over Europe, focuses on enabling the digital transformation of the economy and society through Data and Artificial Intelligence


 Data Space Business Alliance (DSBA) provides a common view on data spaces including a common technical framework based on the scope of work of the partners and the technical alignment achieved between its members: BDVA/DAIRO, FIWARE Foundation, Gaia-X, IDSA.


 Data Sharing Coalition (DSC) is a collaborative initiative aiming to sharing and re-using data throughout the digital economy by enabling organizations to share data across domains and sectors easily.


 FIWARE is a curated framework of Open Source Platform components to accelerate the development of Smart Solutions implanted in more than 250 worldwide, 74 out of them in Europe. Specific solutions are Snap4City and km4city, Smart City Wien, Eridanis, SCIFI, BriX, WiseTown, Snifferbike (by SODAQ and Civity), Citibrain (by Ubiwhere).


 GAIA-x. Its outcome is a federated system linking many cloud service providers and users together in a transparent environment that will drive the European data economy of tomorrow.


 International Data Spaces Association (IDSA) is on a mission to create the future of the global, digital economy with International Data Spaces (IDS), a secure, sovereign system of data sharing in which all participants can realize the full value of their data. It has 135 members across 28 countries.


 MyData Global helps people and organizations to benefit from personal data in a human-centric way. To create a fair, sustainable, and prosperous digital society for all.


 SITRA aim is to reform the data market to ensure it is sustainable and competitive by promoting the operating models of a fair data economy.


 Team Data Spaces commits support to the EU’s plan to create European data spaces that realize the full potential of data sharing in the respect of European values.


 Data Spaces Support Centre (DSSC) will not develop components itself, but will provide the landscape of the following types of contributions to make recommendations of compatible technology stacks.


 Open Data Institute (ODI) is an organization with more than 2000 members around the world and with a broad pack of services.


 Data Sovereignty Now is a coalition of partners who believe that Data Sovereignty should become the guiding principle in the development of national and European data sharing legislation.


 Trust Over IP Foundation develops tools and specifications to help communities of any size use digital networks to build and strengthen trust between participants.


 IDunion aims to create an open ecosystem for decentralized identity management, which can be used worldwide and is based on European values and regulations.


 European Data Innovation Board & Data Innovation Advisory Council

Data Governance Act (DGA) aims to establish the European Data Innovation Board to oversee implementation of data regulation.

 Digital Transport and Logistics Forum (DTLF) contributes to the development of the Mobility Data Space, being one of the sectoral initiatives in the framework of the European Common Data Spaces proposed in the European data strategy. Projects: FEDeRATED and FENIX.




 Designing Data Spaces. (2022). Fraunhofer.


Data Spaces. Design, Deployment and Future Directions. (2022). BDVA.


Data Sharing Canvas. (2021). DSC.


FIWARE for Data Spaces. (2021). FIWARE.


Others: Gaia-X, IDSA, OPEN DEI, Real-time Linked Dataspace, BDVA, European Commission (EC)

 Eclipse Dataspace Components. This project set up connectors. Dataspace connectors act as logical gatekeepers that sit within each participant’s infrastructure and communicate with each other.




 Data spaces overview. (2022). IDSA.


Rulebook for a fair data economy. (2022). SITRA.


New Business Models for Data Spaces Grounded in Data Sovereignty. (2021). IDSA.




Digitranscope: The governance of digitally-transformed society. (2021). EC – JRC.


EU Regulation builds a fairer data economy. (2022). SITRA.


IDSA Rule Book. (2021). IDSA.


Principles for a data economy - data transactions and data rights. (2021). American Law Institute and the European Law Institute (ALI-ELI).


Rulebook for a fair data economy. (2022). SITRA.


White Paper on the Data Act Proposal. (2022). KU LEUVEN.


White Paper on the Data Governance Act. (2021). KU LEUVEN.


Gaia-X Documentation. (2023). Gaia-X.


 The Florence School of Regulation (FSR) which is a project within the European University Institute (EUI) focusing on regulatory topics.


 Directives and regulations that come from European institutions such as:

 Data Governance Act. This Regulation lays down: (a)conditions for the re-use, within the Union, of certain categories of data held by public sector bodies; (b)a notification and supervisory framework for the provision of data sharing services; (c)a framework for voluntary registration of entities which collect and process data made available for altruistic purposes.


 European ITS directive has created an international legal fundament for the technical specifications of road side ITS and telematics systems.


 Regulation on electronic freight transport information establishes a legal framework that allows economic operators to share with enforcement authorities information in an electronic format concerning the transport of goods by road, rail, inland waterways and air in the European Union (EU).




 Data Connector Report. (2022). IDSA.


Usage Control in the International Data Spaces. (2021). IDSA.


FIWARE for digital twins. (2021). FIWARE.


Technical Convergence - Discussion Document. (2022). DSBA.


Others: DSC, iSHARE, IDSA (Reference Architecture Model 4.0, Minimum Viable Data Space), OPEN DEI-IDSA (Building Blocks catalogue), FIWARE (Smart Data Models), Gaia-X (Gaia-X Arquitecture), EC (DCAT-AP).



 NAPCORE (National Access Point Coordination Organization for Europe) is the name of the formed organization to coordinate and harmonize more than 30 mobility data platforms across Europe. In this context we can find these projects: TN-ITS GO, ROSATTE, EU-EIP, Transmodel, NeTEx, SIRI or DATA4PT.


 EONA-X aims to provide a trusted environment to unlock data sets and foster mobility, transport and tourism use cases (It is a GAIA-s implementation).


 Mobility Data Space (MDS). This project focuses on the future of the mobility sector that involves vehicle manufacturers to ride-share services, public transport operators as well as navigation software companies, research institutes, bike-sharing companies, and many more (It is a GAIA-s implementation).


 ELINOR-X is implanted in the City of Lucerne (Switzerland) creates a data cooperative which initially aims to tackle the issue of data mobility asset optimization.

 OPEN DEI is a project focus on the creation of common data platforms based on a unified architecture and an established standard.


 i4Trust is a platform which aims is building a sustainable ecosystem where companies will be able to create innovative services by means of breaking “data silos” through sharing, re-using and trading of data assets. In this context we can find these projects related with smart logistics CollMi, Colodas, DV4CUL, e-CMR Hub; and regarding smart cities/mobility SLAM.


Snap4City and km4city is a 100% open-source platform developed under the University of Florence to deploy Smart Cities/mobility based on FIWARE and implanted in more than 40 cities in countries like Italy, Spain, France, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Finland, Belgium, Greece, Croatia, Israel, Sweden.



 Mobility Data Marketplace – Mobito. Interactive portal for offering, researching and maintaining mobility data.




 MaaS Alliance





Catena-X. It is a scalable ecosystem in which all participants in the automotive value chain participate equally.


Data Spaces Radar. IDSA. Outlook on many data space initiatives and use cases.


Data Space Energy Transition.


Green Data Hub.


European Health Data Space.


EC. European Comission.

Health Data Hub (HDH), France. Health Data Hub.


I4Trust Data Space Experiments.






Green deal Data space


 Advaneo RSDS.


Smart Connected Supplier Network (SCSN).




TEHDAS - European Health Data Space




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