Quality and Environmental Policy


Quality and Environmental Policy

The quality and environmental policy of SANVI CONSULTING MOBILITY, S.L. is based on offering a QUALITY service, meeting the expectations of our clients while respecting the environment. Therefore, to strengthen the trust our clients place in us, we have implemented an Integrated Quality and Environmental Management System according to the UNE-EN-ISO 9001:2015 and UNE-EN-ISO 14001:2015 standards.

The Management, aware that Quality and proper Environmental Management is the foundation upon which the future of our company must be built, carries out all necessary actions to ensure that our services permanently meet the demands of the market.

The Integrated Management Policy has been tailored to the activities developed by SANVI CONSULTING MOBILITY, S.L.: Strategic consulting services in Urban Mobility. Sustainability and Innovation.”

The basic principles of our policy can be summarized as follows:

  • Quality, and good Environmental Management, is understood as meeting the commitments made to our clients, and the rest of the stakeholders.

  • Focus all our efforts and resources towards a continuous improvement of our Integrated Management System, thus showing our clients the responsiveness of SANVI CONSULTING MOBILITY, S.L., as well as our commitment to protect the environment and prevent pollution.

  • Sustainable development and respect for the Environment.

  • Contribute to the efficient and effective consumption of our products and services in our clients' operations.

  • Satisfy the client, understanding their needs, thereby ensuring they choose our company because they perceive in it a personalized treatment.

  • Comply with all applicable legal requirements and other requirements, trying to go beyond the minimum regulatory standards in activities where possible.

  • Set specific annual objectives and monitor them, to achieve continuous improvement.

Without a doubt, the monitoring and improvement of the Quality and Environmental System and the collaboration of all those who make up the human capital of SANVI CONSULTING MOBILITY, S.L., will contribute to a better future for everyone.

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