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Modeling Pedestrian and Cyclist Mobility: Challenges and Strategies

Lluis Sanvicens • 2 March 2025

Modeling Pedestrian and Cyclist Mobility: Challenges and Strategies

Modeling pedestrian and cyclist mobility is a complex challenge that goes beyond traditional approaches used for vehicular traffic. While cars and public transportation typically follow predictable patterns, pedestrian and cyclist movements respond to a wide variety of urban, social, and environmental factors. To accurately represent these movements in transport models, it is essential to understand the elements influencing route choices and mobility behaviors.

Key Factors in Pedestrian and Cyclist Modeling

1. Network Structure and Hierarchy

Streets and roads are not homogeneous in terms of their appeal to pedestrians and cyclists. There are priority corridors for active mobility, strategic connection areas, and discontinuities that may create barriers to movement. Incorporating these factors into modeling helps reflect real movement patterns and optimize future urban interventions.

2. Urban Quality Factors and Public Space Design

The design of public space directly impacts the route choices of pedestrians and cyclists. Variables such as sidewalk width, urban furniture, lighting, tree coverage, perceived safety, and the presence of "buffers" between pedestrians and motorized vehicles influence the preference for certain routes. A precise model must integrate these conditions to realistically simulate user behavior. Previous studies have shown that well-designed pedestrian environments significantly enhance active mobility, promoting safe and efficient travel.

3. Influence of Slope

The topography of a city can be a determining factor in active mobility. For cyclists, a steep incline may discourage users or modify their behavior in terms of speed and effort. For pedestrians, the physical effort required to ascend or descend a street may influence the choice of alternative routes. Including slope variables in models allows for more accurate predictions of mobility patterns.

4. Human Decisions and Route Preferences

Pedestrians and cyclists do not always choose the shortest or most direct route; other factors such as comfort, perceived safety, interest in urban scenery, interaction with public spaces, or the presence of urban attractors (shops, plazas, transport stations) affect mobility decisions. Understanding these behavioral patterns is key to generating models that faithfully reflect reality.

Data Collection for Modeling

An active mobility model is only as accurate as the data supporting it. The calibration of pedestrian and cyclist mobility models requires empirical data to adjust parameters and verify that simulations align with real population movements.

1. Use of Counting Sensors

Pedestrian and cyclist counting sensors provide objective data on mobility flows in real time. These devices supply information on traffic volumes, hourly patterns, and seasonal variations in active mobility. Their implementation in key points of the urban road network facilitates the calibration and validation of models, ensuring that planning decisions are based on empirical evidence.

2. Data Analysis and Mobility Patterns

The combination of automatic counts with other data sources (mobility surveys, GPS tracking, big data) allows for the identification of usage patterns and evaluation of the effectiveness of existing infrastructures. Additionally, data on sidewalk quality, universal accessibility, and public space conditions can be used to fine-tune models and improve their accuracy. These data are also essential for impact studies and planning new urban interventions.

3. Integration with Simulation Models

Once data are collected, their integration into modeling platforms enables the simulation of future scenarios and the analysis of different mobility policy impacts. For example, evaluating how pedestrian distribution would change with sidewalk expansions, how bicycle lane use would increase with improved network connectivity, or how reducing vehicular speed would impact pedestrian safety.


Modeling pedestrian and cyclist mobility requires a multidimensional approach that integrates urban structure, public space quality factors, topography, and human decisions. Without adequate measurement, modeling is done blindly, limiting the ability to plan and optimize infrastructure.

The combination of advanced modeling and empirical data obtained through counting sensors enhances the accuracy of active mobility studies. With this information, more effective strategies can be designed to promote sustainable travel modes, optimize mobility networks, and ensure more accessible and functional urban environments for all citizens.

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