

At Sanvi Consulting, we provide technical studies, strategic reports, and mobility and transport planning, delivering rigorous analyses to support informed decision-making. We work with public administrations, private companies, and other entities that require a detailed assessment of the impact, efficiency, and feasibility of mobility and transport projects.

We specialize in mobility studies, modeling and simulation, accessibility analysis, public transport planning and optimization, as well as railway systems. We apply innovative methodologies to understand mobility patterns, improve transport efficiency, and develop sustainable, context-specific solutions.

With extensive experience in the sector, we offer studies and analyses that help our clients anticipate mobility challenges, optimize territorial planning, and support their decisions with solid technical criteria. Additionally, we provide rigorous, evidence-based information that allows for the consideration of alternatives and the defense of positions with strong technical and strategic arguments.

Below are some of the projects developed by the company and the previous experience of the team in these areas.

Mobility Studies, Transport Modeling, and Simulation

Macro Modeling of Private Traffic

πŸ› οΈ Traffic Mobility and Demand Study in Málaga. Client: ProMálaga (Sanvi Consulting, 2024).

A mobility study that included the modeling of the city of Málaga to simulate various infrastructure scenarios. The analysis covered project scheduling, time model calibration, urban development assessment, and scenario projections at different time horizons, concluding with a detailed results analysis.

πŸ› οΈ Critical Analysis of Ronda’s Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan (PMUS) as a Basis for Appeals. Client: Civic Association of Ronda (Sanvi Consulting, 2025).

Evaluation of Ronda’s Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan (PMUS) during its public consultation phase, aiming to support objections against one of its proposals. The analysis focused on contesting the construction of a new roadway on agricultural land. A technical report was prepared to support the association's position, serving as the basis for formal appeals.

πŸ“Œ Road Closures and Traffic Diversions Modeling. Team's previous experience (2006-2010).

A series of macro-modeling studies for road closures and traffic diversions required for the construction of a linear infrastructure in a city in southern Spain. The objective was to assess traffic distribution, evaluate service levels across different corridors, and propose measures to improve capacity.

Micro Modeling of Private Traffic

πŸ› οΈ Intersection Simulation for an International Project. Client: Engineering Firm (Sanvi Consulting, 2024).

Simulation of urban intersections as part of a linear infrastructure project, analyzing traffic impacts and mitigation measures.

πŸ“Œ Simulation of Intersections Affected by Roadworks. Team's previous experience (2006-2012).

This study focused on simulating intersections affected by roadworks in a city in southern Spain. The objective was to assess intersection service levels and define measures to improve traffic flow and capacity.

Public Transport Studies with Macro Modeling

πŸ“Œ Public Transport Demand Studies in a Spanish City. Team's previous experience (2006-2020).

A series of studies aimed at modeling public transport demand, focusing on modal split, ridership attraction from private transport, and induced demand following the implementation of a Light Metro system. Various scenarios were developed, incorporating long-term demand projections.

Generated Mobility Studies

πŸ› οΈ Generated Mobility Study for the Development of a Commercial Area. Client: Private Developer (Sanvi Consulting, 2024).

A mobility impact assessment for the implementation of a commercial area, including trip demand estimation, modal split analysis, and traffic impact assessment on the existing road network. The study also evaluated mitigation measures and accessibility improvements to optimize the integration of the development within the urban environment.

Activity-Based & Agent-Based Models

πŸ“Œ Sensitivity Analysis of an Activity-Based Model for the Flanders Region. Team's previous experience (2021).

This study analyzed policy sensitivity within an activity-based model in Flanders (Belgium). The study measured the impact of different policy interventions, comparing them against expected outcomes based on literature and simulation results.

Macro Pedestrian Modeling

πŸ”¬ Pedestrian Modeling in Urban Environments. In-house research project (Sanvi Consulting, 2024-2025).

A methodological study focused on simulating pedestrian flow in cities, analyzing mobility patterns, interactions with infrastructure, and strategies to optimize public space.

Macro Cyclist Modeling

πŸ”¬ Cyclist Modeling in Urban Environments. In-house research project (Sanvi Consulting, 2024-2025).

A methodological study on urban-scale cyclist demand modeling, analyzing factors influencing modal choice, interactions with other transport modes, and the impact of infrastructure on sustainable mobility.

Urban Planning and Mobility Studies

Urban Development Plan

πŸ› οΈ Preparation of a Study for Appeals Against a Partial Urban Development Plan. Client: Residents Affected by the PPO (Sanvi Consulting, 2024).

A mobility study and road reorganization analysis were conducted during the appeals process of a Partial Urban Development Plan (PPO) to assess its impact and propose viable alternatives. The study involved a detailed review of the PPO, along with the redesign of road layouts to prevent the demolition of residential homes affected by the initial proposal.

Additionally, a new mobility study was carried out to analyze accessibility and road functionality, ensuring a technically sound solution that optimized traffic flow and improved the urban integration of the plan. This work was conducted on behalf of the property owners affected by the PPO, providing them with a well-founded and technically feasible alternative within the appeals process.

Urban Access Studies

Urban Accessibility

πŸ”¬ Urban Accessibility Study. In-house research project (Sanvi Consulting, 2024-2025).

Urban accessibility is a key factor in mobility planning and management, ensuring that all citizens—regardless of age, gender, or mobility preferences—can efficiently access essential services and points of interest within the city.

This study aims to evaluate and enhance connectivity in urban environments through the analysis of public transport networks, pedestrian and cycling infrastructure, and land use distribution.

To achieve this, Urban Time Tool, a custom software solution and methodology, has been developed to analyze urban and municipal accessibility. This tool enables precise evaluation of transport networks and their impact on urban mobility.

πŸ“Œ For more information on the tool:

Urban Time Tool

Public Transport

Public Transport Network Reorganization

πŸ› οΈ Preparation of Public Transport Reorganization Proposals. (Sanvi Consulting, 2023-2024).

Sanvi Consulting has developed various proposals for public transport network reorganization in different Spanish cities, focusing on service optimization, coverage improvement, and economic feasibility. These studies have included the evaluation of reorganization scenarios, survey design to assess real demand, and strategies to enhance accessibility and operational efficiency.

Additionally, economic feasibility has been analyzed, considering operating costs and potential funding sources. The methodology applied combines transport modeling, GIS analysis, and infrastructure evaluation, enabling the proposal of solutions tailored to the needs of each city.

Transition to Clean Energy (Electrification and Hydrogen)

πŸ› οΈ Preparation of Bus Fleet Decarbonization Proposals. (Sanvi Consulting, 2023-2024).

Sanvi Consulting has developed proposals for bus fleet decarbonization projects, aiming to reduce emissions and optimize the transition to a more sustainable transport system. These studies have assessed the technical and economic feasibility of fleet electrification and the integration of clean technologies such as hydrogen, analyzing required infrastructure, vehicle autonomy, charging strategies, and integration with the existing public transport network.

Additionally, the studies included an analysis of funding sources and investment models, as well as the environmental and operational benefits of zero-emission fleet implementation. A custom software solution has been explored for operational simulation, energy modeling, and life-cycle cost analysis, ensuring efficient, sustainable solutions tailored to the specific needs of each transport system.

Service Quality

πŸ“Œ Reports on the Service Quality of a Public Transport Operator. Team's previous experience (2014-2021).

This project involved monthly analysis of service regularity and availability indices for an urban public transport concessionaire in southern Spain. The study also included the evaluation of rolling stock reliability and the availability of equipment and facilities.

πŸ“Œ State of the Art in Public Transport Service Quality. Team's previous experience (2021).

A comprehensive study on service quality in public transport, based on an extensive review of academic and industry literature, resulting in a detailed explanatory report on best practices and evaluation methodologies.

Railway Systems

Feasibility Studies and Informative Studies

πŸ› οΈ Preparation of Proposals for Feasibility Studies and Informative Studies on Railway Systems. (Sanvi Consulting, 2023-2024).

Sanvi Consulting has developed various proposals for railway feasibility studies and informative studies, focusing on improving existing connections, implementing new stations, reopening stations, or developing new railway corridors. These proposals have included competitiveness analysis, route alternatives assessment, socio-economic profitability evaluation, and technical feasibility analysis.

In preparing these studies, methodologies have been explored for demand modeling, railway mobility analysis, and socio-economic impact evaluation, ensuring viable and strategic solutions for railway transport optimization.

Railway Risk Analysis

πŸ› οΈ Risk Analysis and Safety Management Systems for the Remodeling Works of Sants-Barcelona Station. Client: Construction Company (Sanvi Consulting, 2024).

A Risk Analysis Study based on the Common Safety Method for Risk Evaluation and Assessment (CMS-ER) was conducted to analyze risks in railway infrastructure (File 402). The study included the identification and evaluation of hazards, impact assessment, and mitigation measures proposal to ensure safety throughout all project phases.

Additionally, a safety management system was designed in compliance with international regulations, ensuring regulatory alignment and optimization of risk prevention strategies.

πŸ“Œ Analysis of Over 60 Infrastructure and Facility Modification Projects. Team's previous experience (2014-2021).

Over 60 infrastructure and facility modification projects in operating metro systems were analyzed, applying CMS-ER risk assessment methodologies to ensure service safety and continuity.

Operations and Maintenance

πŸ“Œ Operational Analysis and Service Planning for a Light Metro System. Team's previous experience (2014-2021).

Several studies and plans were conducted to define the operation of a Light Metro system, addressing key aspects such as start and end of service, train deployment and withdrawal, single-track management, frequency determination (headways) during peak and off-peak hours, and staff scheduling. These analyses optimized operational efficiency, ensuring service delivery aligned with demand and infrastructure conditions.

πŸ“Œ Development of Operational Procedures and Maintenance Plans for a Light Metro System. Team's previous experience (2014-2021).

Participation in the development of operational procedures and maintenance plans for a Light Metro system, establishing protocols for routine operations and emergency management. These documents defined the standards for system operation, ensuring efficiency, reliability, and safety. The work covered team coordination, incident response time optimization, and maintenance planning for preventive and corrective tasks.

πŸ“Œ State of the Art Study on Public Transport Operation and Management. Team's previous experience (2021).

An extensive study on best practices in public transport operations, focusing on delay management, disruptions, and mitigation measures. The analysis included a detailed review of specialized literature, identifying strategies applied in different urban transport systems and their impact on operational efficiency. A technical report was prepared, serving as a foundation for implementing improvements in transport planning and management.

Data Analysis

πŸ“Œ Traffic Data Analysis and Modeling for a Railway Operator. Team's previous experience (2014-2021).

A comprehensive analysis of ticketing data for a railway operator was carried out, processing information on entries and exits across the network. A data model was developed, where each trip was anonymized and aggregated in 15-minute intervals, allowing the identification of mobility patterns throughout the day, week, and year.

As part of the study, an interactive dashboard was designed to represent passenger loads per line and direction, facilitating operational and strategic service analysis. Additionally, the use of different prepaid card types was evaluated, providing insights into travel habits and user segmentation.

Railway Infrastructure Design

πŸ“Œ Functional and Technical Analysis of Stations, Facilities, and Equipment in Railway Systems. Team's previous experience (2005-2021).

Multiple functional studies on railway and light metro infrastructure were conducted, addressing design, construction, and operation of stations, facilities, and equipment. A total of 15 underground Light Metro stations were analyzed, defining key aspects such as access points, ticket validation, staircases, elevators, wayfinding signage, and technical rooms.

Additionally, studies were conducted for the expansion of metro lines and the definition of equipment and facility requirements in light metro and tram systems, supervising critical elements such as railway signaling, power supply, communications, track infrastructure, electromechanical systems, and depot facilities. These analyses were fundamental to ensuring the operability, safety, and efficiency of transport systems.

Road Safety

πŸ“Œ Study on Road Safety in Spain. Team's previous experience (2020).

This study analyzed various road safety plans in Spain from 2000 onwards, covering national, regional, and local levels. It also examined the implementation degree of "Safe Systems" and "Vision Zero" strategies in Spain.

πŸ“Œ Studies on Safety Improvements at Tram-Road Traffic Intersections. Team's previous experience (2014-2021).

These studies aimed to reduce the likelihood and severity of incidents and accidents between cars and trams at multiple intersections in a Spanish city. The analysis focused on identifying risk factors and proposing safety-enhancing measures to improve coexistence between road users and the tram system.

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